Friday, 4 September 2015

Elizabeth windsor


Image result for wartime princess

Friday, 14 August 2015

Fave item

When i was 5 i had a great toy that i played with for about…1/2 years it was blue and yellow i had it in Christchurch.I always  found it down the back of my chair for some weird resin. The weird resin was i always played with it and i all was took it everywhere i loved it so that's why i picked my favorite car.
Image result for old toy cars

Friday, 7 August 2015

Business card 3


Image result for the dead of the night book

Business card 2


Business: None

Image result for images hugo

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Business card 1



Wednesday, 3 June 2015

planet seven

          Planet seven           

Finally we landed somewhere so we can get out of the ship.So all of us got out of the ship.”were are we” said the captain “i don't know”i said so all of us walked and then we saw some farm anamails and they talked! i screamed in a scariest way they were British they had a cool accent but the thing wrong with them was that they were bored i  didn't know what to do but then i had a amazing idea “i now what do”
i said we could build a cool roller coaster ”thats a good idea” said the wise old captain ”but we don't have tools and stuff” said the captain “ohhhh” i said.”MY turn” said the captain so the captain was thinking for a long time “I GOT SOMETHING”said the captain in excitement “finally” i said in a bored way “what is it” said Helen the werd farm animal let's make a playground with that metal “OK thats a good idea so we all made a playground but it was a small one but it was really fun so then was time to go home.were at home and a few weeks later we had a call from Helen asking if we could come and stay one night and maybe make another thing but we said yes.

        THE END

Thursday, 12 March 2015


yellow is the sun sizzling on me on a hot summers day.

yellow is the taste of slipping down my throat.

yellow  is the smell smell of bubble lemonade fizzing in the air.

I can hear the yellow hot burning sun sizzling the brown grass.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Meet Me

I live with my dad
I have 12 fish
I have one XBOX360